Require all meat to be labelled to indicate the method of slaughter, as such

We want the Government to create a law requiring all meat to have a label, such as a simple ‘RS’ (Religiously Slaughtered.) or 'NRS' (Not religiously slaughtered), that states whether it has been religiously slaughtered or not.

768 Signatures

Tuesday 11th February 2025
Last 24 hours signatures
Signature Deadline
Monday 11th August 2025
Estimated Final Signatures: 1,974

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We are concerned that a lot of meat that is religiously slaughtered, using what I believe to be inhumane methods, is entering the food chain. I am concerned that Halal and Kosher meat are being sold to people who may object to the method of slaughter, without being labelled.

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Reticulating Splines