Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:
To ask the Secretary of State for Health, how many people with (a) fractured neck of femur, (b) appendectomy, (c) drainage of abscess, (d) essential hypertension (diabetes related), (e) chronic ischaemic heart disease (diabetes related), (f) acute myocardial infarction (diabetes related), (g) stroke (diabetes related), (h) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, (i) asthma, (k) congestive heart failure (diabetes related), (l) peripheral vascular disease (diabetes related), (m) chronic kidney failure (diabetes related), (n) lower limb amputation (but excluding patients with malignancies or injury/trauma) (diabetes related) were readmitted to hospital within 28 days in each NHS commissioner area in each of the last five years.
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