Ministry of Defence

We protect the security, independence and interests of our country at home and abroad. We work with our allies and partners whenever possible. Our aim is to ensure that the armed forces have the training, equipment and support necessary for their work, and that we keep within budget.

Secretary of State


John Healey
Secretary of State for Defence

Shadow Ministers / Spokeperson
Liberal Democrat
Baroness Smith of Newnham (LD - Life peer)
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Defence)
Baroness Smith of Newnham (LD - Life peer)
Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Defence)

James Cartlidge (Con - South Suffolk)
Shadow Secretary of State for Defence

Liberal Democrat
Helen Maguire (LD - Epsom and Ewell)
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson (Defence)
Junior Shadow Ministers / Deputy Spokesperson
Baroness Goldie (Con - Life peer)
Shadow Minister (Defence)
Earl of Minto (Con - Excepted Hereditary)
Shadow Minister (Defence)
Mark Francois (Con - Rayleigh and Wickford)
Shadow Minister (Defence)
Ministers of State
Lord Coaker (Lab - Life peer)
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
Maria Eagle (Lab - Liverpool Garston)
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
Al Carns (Lab - Birmingham Selly Oak)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence) (Minister for Veterans)
Parliamentary Under-Secretaries of State
Luke Pollard (LAB - Plymouth Sutton and Devonport)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
There are no upcoming events identified
Thursday 20th April 2023
Select Committee Inquiry
Thursday 12th May 2022
Defence and Climate Change


  • What needs to be done to achieve the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy’s …
Written Answers
Thursday 20th April 2023
Armed Forces: Housing
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, with reference to table 2.2a in the Annual Statistics Tables 2022: Service …
Secondary Legislation
Thursday 16th March 2023
Personal Injuries (Civilians) Scheme (Amendment) Order 2023
This Order amends the Personal Injuries (Civilians) Scheme 1983 (“the Scheme”), which makes provision for the payment of pensions and …
Tuesday 26th January 2021
Armed Forces Act 2021
A Bill to continue the Armed Forces Act 2006; to amend that Act and other enactments relating to the armed …
Dept. Publications
Thursday 20th April 2023

Ministry of Defence Commons Appearances

Oral Answers to Questions is a regularly scheduled appearance where the Secretary of State and junior minister will answer at the Dispatch Box questions from backbench MPs

Other Commons Chamber appearances can be:
  • Urgent Questions where the Speaker has selected a question to which a Minister must reply that day
  • Adjornment Debates a 30 minute debate attended by a Minister that concludes the day in Parliament.
  • Oral Statements informing the Commons of a significant development, where backbench MP's can then question the Minister making the statement.

Westminster Hall debates are performed in response to backbench MPs or e-petitions asking for a Minister to address a detailed issue

Written Statements are made when a current event is not sufficiently significant to require an Oral Statement, but the House is required to be informed.

Most Recent Commons Appearances by Category
Feb. 10
Oral Questions
Feb. 13
Urgent Questions
Feb. 11
Written Statements
Jan. 29
Westminster Hall
Jan. 16
Adjournment Debate
View All Ministry of Defence Commons Contibutions

Bills currently before Parliament

Ministry of Defence does not have Bills currently before Parliament

Acts of Parliament created in the 2024 Parliament

Ministry of Defence has not passed any Acts during the 2024 Parliament

Ministry of Defence - Secondary Legislation

This instrument amends Rule 34 of the Armed Forces (Court Martial) Rules 2009 (S.I. 2009/2041). Rule 2 provides that in proceedings requiring lay members the rank of the president of the board must be at least OF-6 where the defendant is of rank OF-6 or higher. Where a defendant is of rank OF-5 or lower, the president of the board must be of superior rank to the defendant.
These Regulations amend the Costs in the Court Martial Appeal Court Regulations 2012 (S.I. 2012/1805) (the “2012 Regulations”) so that they apply to appeals against a review of sentence under section 304D or 304E of the Armed Forces Act 2006 (c. 52).
View All Ministry of Defence Secondary Legislation


e-Petitions are administered by Parliament and allow members of the public to express support for a particular issue.

If an e-petition reaches 10,000 signatures the Government will issue a written response.

If an e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures the petition becomes eligible for a Parliamentary debate (usually Monday 4.30pm in Westminster Hall).

Trending Petitions
Petition Open
319 Signatures
(295 in the last 7 days)
Petition Open
164 Signatures
(70 in the last 7 days)
Petition Open
103 Signatures
(32 in the last 7 days)
Petition Open
647 Signatures
(30 in the last 7 days)
Petitions with most signatures
Petition Open
647 Signatures
(30 in the last 7 days)
Petition Open
319 Signatures
(295 in the last 7 days)
Petition Open
208 Signatures
(7 in the last 7 days)
Petition Open
164 Signatures
(70 in the last 7 days)
Ministry of Defence has not participated in any petition debates
View All Ministry of Defence Petitions

Departmental Select Committee

Defence Committee

Commons Select Committees are a formally established cross-party group of backbench MPs tasked with holding a Government department to account.

At any time there will be number of ongoing investigations into the work of the Department, or issues which fall within the oversight of the Department. Witnesses can be summoned from within the Government and outside to assist in these inquiries.

Select Committee findings are reported to the Commons, printed, and published on the Parliament website. The government then usually has 60 days to reply to the committee's recommendations.

11 Members of the Defence Committee
Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi Portrait
Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi (Labour - Slough)
Defence Committee Member since 11th September 2024
Derek Twigg Portrait
Derek Twigg (Labour - Widnes and Halewood)
Defence Committee Member since 21st October 2024
Fred Thomas Portrait
Fred Thomas (Labour - Plymouth Moor View)
Defence Committee Member since 21st October 2024
Michelle Scrogham Portrait
Michelle Scrogham (Labour - Barrow and Furness)
Defence Committee Member since 21st October 2024
Jesse Norman Portrait
Jesse Norman (Conservative - Hereford and South Herefordshire)
Defence Committee Member since 21st October 2024
Emma Lewell-Buck Portrait
Emma Lewell-Buck (Labour - South Shields)
Defence Committee Member since 21st October 2024
Lincoln Jopp Portrait
Lincoln Jopp (Conservative - Spelthorne)
Defence Committee Member since 21st October 2024
Alex Baker Portrait
Alex Baker (Labour - Aldershot)
Defence Committee Member since 21st October 2024
Calvin Bailey Portrait
Calvin Bailey (Labour - Leyton and Wanstead)
Defence Committee Member since 21st October 2024
Ian Roome Portrait
Ian Roome (Liberal Democrat - North Devon)
Defence Committee Member since 28th October 2024
Mike Martin Portrait
Mike Martin (Liberal Democrat - Tunbridge Wells)
Defence Committee Member since 28th October 2024
Defence Committee: Upcoming Events
Defence Committee - Private Meeting
25 Feb 2025, 10 a.m.
View calendar - Save to Calendar
Defence Committee - Oral evidence
The Armed Forces Covenant
25 Feb 2025, 10 a.m.
At 10:30am: Oral evidence
Lt Cdr (Retd) Susie Hamilton - Scottish Veterans Commissioner at Office of the Scottish Veterans Commissioner
David Johnstone - Northern Ireland Veterans Commissioner at Office of the Northern Ireland Veterans Commissioner
Col. James Phillips - Veterans Commissioner for Wales at Office of the Veterans Commissioner for Wales
At 11:30am: Oral evidence
Mike Callaghan - Policy Manager at Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)
Cllr Lis Burnett - Presiding Member at Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA)
Kate Davies - Director of Health and Justice at Armed Forces and Sexual Assault Services Commissioning
Cllr David Fothergill - Chair of the Community Wellbeing Board at Local Government Association (LGA)

View calendar - Save to Calendar
Defence Committee - Oral evidence
The Armed Forces Covenant
25 Feb 2025, 10 a.m.
At 10:30am: Oral evidence
Lt Cdr (Retd) Susie Hamilton - Scottish Veterans Commissioner at Office of the Scottish Veterans Commissioner
David Johnstone - Northern Ireland Veterans Commissioner at Office of the Northern Ireland Veterans Commissioner
Col. James Phillips - Veterans Commissioner for Wales at Office of the Veterans Commissioner for Wales
At 11:30am: Oral evidence
Mike Callaghan - Policy Manager at Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)
Councillor Lis Burnett - Presiding Member at Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA)
Kate Davies - Director of Health and Justice at Armed Forces and Sexual Assault Services Commissioning
Councillor David Fothergill - Chair of the Community Wellbeing Board at Local Government Association (LGA)

View calendar - Save to Calendar
Defence Committee - Oral evidence
The Armed Forces Covenant
25 Feb 2025, 10 a.m.
At 10:30am: Oral evidence
Lt Cdr (Retd) Susie Hamilton - Scottish Veterans Commissioner at Office of the Scottish Veterans Commissioner
David Johnstone - Northern Ireland Veterans Commissioner at Office of the Northern Ireland Veterans Commissioner
Col. James Phillips - Veterans Commissioner for Wales at Office of the Veterans Commissioner for Wales
At 11:30am: Oral evidence
Mike Callaghan - Policy Manager at Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)
Councillor Lis Burnett - Presiding Member at Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA)
Kate Davies - Director of Health and Justice, Armed Forces and Sexual Assault Services Commissioning at NHS England
Councillor David Fothergill - Chair of the Community Wellbeing Board at Local Government Association (LGA)

View calendar - Save to Calendar
Defence Committee - Oral evidence
The Armed Forces Covenant
11 Mar 2025, 12:30 p.m.
View calendar - Save to Calendar
Defence Committee - Oral evidence
Defence in the Grey Zone
25 Mar 2025, 10 a.m.
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Defence Committee: Previous Inquiries
The Integrated Security, Defence and Foreign Policy Review The Security of 5G SDSR 2015 and the Army inquiry Russia: implications for UK defence and security inquiry Ministry of Defence Annual Report and Accounts 2015–16 inquiry BBC Monitoring inquiry Defence Acquisition and Procurement inquiry Awards for Valour (Protection) Bill inquiry Naval Procurement: Type 26 and Type 45 inquiry NATO Warsaw summit and Chilcot Report Work of the Department 2017 inquiry F-35 Procurement inquiry North Korea inquiry Indispensable allies: US, NATO and UK Defence relations inquiry Defence Acquisition and Procurement inquiry Ministry of Defence Annual Report and Accounts 2016-17 inquiry Locally Employed Civilians inquiry The effects of BAE restructuring on UK Defence inquiry National Security Capability Review inquiry The Royal Marines and UK amphibious capability inquiry The Government’s Brexit position paper: Foreign policy, defence and development: a future partnership paper inquiry Military exercises and the duty of care: follow up inquiry Armed Forces Covenant Annual Report 2016 inquiry UK National Shipbuilding Strategy inquiry The indispensable ally? US, NATO and UK Defence relations inquiry Locally employed interpreters inquiry Trident missile testing inquiry Investigations into fatalities involving British military personnel inquiry SDSR 2015 and the RAF inquiry Defence industrial policy: procurement and prosperity inquiry Military Exercises and the Duty of Care: Further Follow-Up inquiry Evidence from the new Defence Secretary inquiry UK Defence and the Strait of Hormuz inquiry Ministry of Defence Annual Reports and Accounts 2018-19 inquiry Procurement Update inquiry Domestic Threat of Drones inquiry UK Defence and the Far East inquiry Armed Forces Covenant Annual Report 2018 inquiry Work of the Service Complaints Ombudsman inquiry UK Response to Hybrid Threats inquiry INF Treaty withdrawal inquiry Ministry of Defence Annual Report and Accounts 2017-18 inquiry Departmental Priorities – Post-NATO Summit inquiry Work of Defence Equipment and Support inquiry Work of the Chief of Defence Staff inquiry Mental Health and the Armed Forces, Part Two: The Provision of Care inquiry Future anti-ship missile system inquiry Statute of limitations – veterans protection inquiry UK Military Operations in Mosul and Raqqa inquiry Mechanised Infantry Vehicle Procurement inquiry Modernising Defence Programme inquiry Departmental priorities inquiry Armed forces and veterans mental health inquiry Armed Forces Covenant Annual Report 2017 inquiry Global Islamist Terrorism inquiry MoD Annual Report and Accounts 2012-13 Work of the Chief of the Defence Staff MoD Supplementary Estimates 2012-13 Operations in Afghanistan Strategic Defence and Security Review & the National Security Strategy The Armed Forces Covenant in Action? Part 1: Military Casualties Operations in Libya Developing Threats to Electronic Infrastructure The Armed Forces Covenant in Action? Part 2: Accommodation Defence Implications of Possible Scottish Independence Impact on UK Defence of the proposed merger of BAE systems and EADS MoD Main Estimates 2013-14 Towards the next Defence and Security Review: Part One Armed Forces Covenant in Action? Educating Service Personnel Children Armed Forces Covenant in Action? Part 4: Service Personnel Education Defence Acquisition Defence and cyber-security UK Armed Forces Personnel and Legal Framework for Future Operations Future Army 2020 Future Maritime Surveillance Lariam inquiry Publication of the SDSR UK military operations in Syria and Iraq inquiry Shifting the Goalposts? Defence Expenditure and the 2% pledge Flexible Response? An SDSR checklist of potential threats Towards the next defence and security review: Part Three Ministry of Defence Annual Report and Accounts 2013-14 The situation in Iraq and Syria Decision-making in Defence Policy Future Force 2020 Armed Forces (Services Complaints and Financial Assistance) Bill MoD Main Estimates 2014-15 Inquiry Defence Growth Partnership Ministry of Defence Mid Year Report Towards the next Defence and Security Review: Part Two: NATO Afghanistan - Camp Bastion Attack Defence Materiel Strategy Afghanistan The Armed Forces Covenant in Action Part 5: Military Casualties Pre-appointment hearing: Service Complaints Commissioner Defence contribution to the UK’s pandemic response Progress in delivering the British Army’s armoured vehicle capability Foreign Involvement in the Defence Supply Chain The Integrated Review – Threats, Capabilities and Concepts Defence and Climate Change National Shipbuilding Strategy Refresh Armed Forces Readiness Future Aviation Capabilities Defence in the Grey Zone Women in the Armed Forces: Follow-Up The UK contribution to European Security The Armed Forces Covenant NATO, US and UK Defence Relations National security and investment Beyond endurance? Military exercises and the duty of care Defence in the Arctic MoD support for former and serving personnel subject to judicial processes Defence in the Arctic (Sub-Committee) Armed Forces Covenant Annual Report 2018 Defence industrial policy: procurement and prosperity Departmental Priorities – Post-NATO Summit Domestic Threat of Drones Evidence from the new Defence Secretary Global Islamist Terrorism INF Treaty withdrawal UK Military Operations in Mosul and Raqqa Future anti-ship missile system Statute of limitations – veterans protection Mental Health and the Armed Forces, Part Two: The Provision of Care Work of Defence Equipment and Support Ministry of Defence Annual Reports and Accounts 2018-19 European Defence Industrial Development Programme Modernising Defence Programme Military Exercises and the Duty of Care: Further Follow-Up Procurement Update Work of the Service Complaints Ombudsman UK Defence and the Far East UK Defence and the Strait of Hormuz UK Response to Hybrid Threats Work of the Chief of Defence Staff

50 most recent Written Questions

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department

11th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Coaker on 27 January (HL4169), whether the proposal to convert the Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Associations into a non-departmental public body is supported by members of the Council of Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Associations; and what consultations with members have taken place.

As stated in my Written Answer of 27 January (HL4169), the views of the membership of the Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Associations (RFCAs) were taken into account as part of the 2019 Review of the RFCAs which recommended that the Council of RFCAs (CRFCA) and the 13 RFCAs should be merged into a single Executive Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB), with a National Office and a set of regional organisations.

There will of course be divergent views in any organisation which is potentially subject to change. However, notwithstanding individual perspectives, it is critical that the delivery model is regularised as it currently does not comply with the principles set out in Managing Public Money:

Under current legislation, the CRFCA was not intended to be a separate legal entity. Through section 116 (s116) of the Reserve Forces Act 1996 (RFA96), it is a Joint Committee that is part of, and subordinate to, the Associations that have created it. This means that in its current form, RFA96 vests in the Association Voluntary Membership executive authority which, through s116, has been delegated to the CRFCA Board via Association Chairs and then sub-delegated to the CRFCA Chief Executive. As noted in the RFCA Framework Agreement 2016, this creates inevitable tension between an Association’s autonomy and its application of delegation, and any directive authority vested in CRFCA Chief Executive.

Lord Coaker
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
11th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what work is being undertaken, and by who, regarding the integration of AI in nuclear (1) command, (2) control, and (3) communications systems; and whether they have commissioned research to identify and manage high-risk AI applications.

The UK’s nuclear weapons are operationally independent and only the Prime Minister can authorise their use. It is a long-standing policy that we do not discuss detailed nuclear command and control matters and so will not be able to provide any additional detail.

Research to identify, understand, and mitigate against risks of AI in sensitive applications is underway. We will ensure that, regardless of any use of AI in our strategic systems, human political control of our nuclear weapons is maintained at all times.

Lord Coaker
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what is their projection of the upfront costs and additional annual costs, by comparison with the most recent year for which costs data are available, of proceeding with the merger of the Council of Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association and the 13 Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Associations into a single executive, with a national office and a set of regional organisations.

The Ministry of Defence does not have a projection and comparison of the kind described. The 2019 Review of the Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Associations (RFCAs) recommended that the Council of RFCAs (CRFCA) and the 13 RFCAs should be merged into a single Executive Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB). The NDPB implementation work was paused due to it failing to obtain a legislative slot in the last Parliament; this work has now re-commenced.

The Review acknowledged that it would be difficult to calculate exact costs until the NDPB organisational design is finalised, and it also noted that it expected that any upfront investment in establishing the NDPB would be recouped in the medium-term through improved commercialisation of the Reserves and Cadets estate. It is expected that annual savings and efficiencies will be made by having a central co-ordinated body, rather than the current model with 13 RFCAs each undertaking very similar work and on occasions duplicating activity.

Lord Coaker
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
11th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many officials in his Department are working on issues related to the Chagos Islands.

There are a number of officials from across the Ministry of Defence who contribute to the work in this area in partnership with the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office. This includes policy, legal, financial and military teams.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
11th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to the Answer of 21 January 2025 to Question 24080 on Joint Expeditionary Force, how many full-time permanent employees are employed by the Joint Expeditionary Force HQ.

11 personnel are engaged on the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) on a full-time basis at the Standing Joint Force Headquarters, the JEF HQ.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
11th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many full-time permanent MOD staff have worked on coordinating Operation Interflex in each year since 2002.

The table below is based on those who have been involved in co-ordinating Operation INTERFLEX for each of the six Tranches, which to date have delivered more than 51,000 trained Ukrainians. The table includes those assigned to INTERFLEX HQ, the training delivery units and the logistic support element.

Please note the UK delivers Op INTERFLEX in conjunction with our partners. Canada, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, New Zealand, Lithuania, Australia, Romania, Netherlands, Kosovo, and Estonia are all supporting the training programme. Albania will also be joining from the end of February, so UK personnel numbers alone do not represent output of total personnel.


Dates from

No of UK Personnel



















Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
11th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, with reference to his Department's press release entitled UK to extend training programme for Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel throughout 2025, published on 6 September 2024, if he will make it his policy to extend Operation Interflex into 2026, subject to conflict in Ukraine continuing into that year.

In late 2024 the Secretary of State extended Op INTERFLEX into 2025. We continually assess how we can improve our training offer to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Operation INTERFLEX remains our main training effort in support of Ukraine and, together with our international partners, we have trained over 51,000 Ukrainian personnel since June 2022. The UK is committed to working with partners to meet Ukraine's training requirements now and in the future.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
5th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government how long, on average, it takes (1) the Army, (2) the Royal Navy, (3) the Royal Air Force, and (4) Strategic Command, to process a service complaint; and what estimate they have made of the cost of each complaint.

This information is available in the public domain. The average time required to process a Service Complaint is contained within the Service Complaints Ombudsman for the Armed Forces Annual Report statistics which are available at the following link:

The information you have requested on the average time required to process a Service Complaint is shown in Annex A, below.

No information is held about the cost of each complaint. This information is not routinely recorded and could only be provided at disproportionate cost.

Annex A

Average¹ time taken² to close a Service Complaint, by Service and complaint category, 2023


Career management

Bullying, harassment or discrimination

Pay, pensions and allowances


All closed Service Complaints

Royal Navy*
























* includes Royal Marines

1 Median.

2 Time taken is measured in weeks.

Lord Coaker
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
5th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government how many service complaints have been received by (1) the Army, (2) the Royal Navy, (3) the Royal Air Force, and (4) Strategic Command, in each of the last five years; and of those, how many have not been upheld.

Information regarding how many Service Complaints have been received, and how many have not been upheld, is publicly available and can be found in the Service Complaints Ombudsman for the Armed Forces Annual Report statistics available at the following link: Please note that the most recent year for which information is currently available is 2023.

The data you have requested is shown in Annex A, below, by Service. Please note that Complaints are recorded by Service and not Command and therefore no data is available for Strategic Command.

ANNEX A Number of Royal Navy Service Complaints*, by complaint category, 2019 - 2023


Career management

Bullying, harassment or discrimination1

Pay, pensions and allowances


All complaint categories































% annual growth






* including Royal Marine Service Complaints

1 Prior to 2022, victimisation Service Complaints were recorded under category "Other", rather than under "Bullying, harassment or discrimination"

Source: Tri-Service Joint Personnel Administrative System

Number of Army Service Complaints, by complaint category, 2019 - 2023


Career management

Bullying, harassment or discrimination1

Pay, pensions and allowances


All complaint categories































% annual growth






1 Prior to 2022, victimisation Service Complaints were recorded under category "Other", rather than under "Bullying, harassment or discrimination"

Source: Tri-Service Joint Personnel Administrative System

Number of RAF Service Complaints, by complaint category, 2019 - 2023


Career Management

Bullying, harassment or discrimination1

Pay, pensions and allowances


All complaint categories































% annual growth






1 Prior to 2022, victimisation Service Complaints were recorded under category "Other", rather than under "Bullying, harassment or discrimination"

Source: Tri-Service Joint Personnel Administrative System

Number of Royal Navy* closed Service Complaints, by outcome and complaint category, 2023


Career management

Bullying, harassment or discrimination

Pay, pensions and allowances


All closed Service Complaints

Complaint fully/partially upheld






Complaint not upheld






Other outcome












% fully/partially upheld in favour of complainant






% not upheld






% other outcome






* includes Royal Marines

Source: Tri-Service Joint Personnel Administrative System

Number of Army closed Service Complaints, by outcome and complaint category, 2023


Career management

Bullying, harassment or discrimination

Pay, pensions and allowances


All closed Service Complaints

Complaint fully/partially upheld






Complaint not upheld






Other outcome












% fully/partially upheld in favour of complainant






% not upheld






% other outcome






Source: Tri-Service Joint Personnel Administrative System

Number of RAF closed Service Complaints, by outcome and complaint category, 2023


Career management

Bullying, harassment or discrimination

Pay, pensions and allowances


All closed Service Complaints

Complaint fully/partially upheld






Complaint not upheld






Other outcome












% fully/partially upheld in favour of complainant






% not upheld






% other outcome






Source: Tri-Service Joint Personnel Administrative System

Lord Coaker
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
27th Jan 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government on what date was the decision to name HMS Achilles agreed by the Government; which Minister had final sign off on the naming process; and on what basis was the name HMS Agincourt ruled out.

Potential ship names are proposed by the Royal Navy's Ships Names and Badges Committee, ahead of approval by Ministry of Defence Ministers and His Majesty The King.

There are no current plans to rename any other Royal Navy ships.

Lord Coaker
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
11th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what proportion of the defence budget was allocated to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight in the 2024-25 financial year.

The exact annual operating budget for the Red Arrows and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight is not centrally calculated. However, the operation of both teams combined would account for less than 00.03% of the annual defence budget.

Maria Eagle
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
11th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what proportion of the defence budget was allocated to the Red Arrows in the 2024-25 financial year.

The exact annual operating budget for the Red Arrows and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight is not centrally calculated. However, the operation of both teams combined would account for less than 00.03% of the annual defence budget.

Maria Eagle
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, if he will make an estimate of the proportion of GDP that will be spent on defence by 2030.

To ensure the UK is prepared to deal with the changing threat, our Budget increased defence spending by £2.9 billion for next year. The future spending envelope for Defence will be set out in the usual way.

Maria Eagle
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, if he will make an assessment of the potential impact of reaching his Department's target to spend 2.5% of GDP on defence in (a) 2030 and (b) 2032 on the effectiveness of the UK's defence capabilities.

To ensure the UK is prepared to deal with the changing threat, our Budget increased defence spending by £2.9 billion for next year and we are committed to setting a path to 2.5% of GDP on defence in the spring.

The Strategic Defence Review is wide-ranging, ensuring we look hard at the threats we face and the capabilities we need to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Maria Eagle
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, if he will take steps to ensure that vulnerable Afghan family members are included in any new resettlement scheme.

The Government announced in December 2024 the launch of the Afghan Resettlement Programme (ARP), a cross-Government programme that will bring existing Afghan resettlement schemes into one single pipeline. Whilst this is not a new resettlement scheme, it will ensure we support those eligible Afghans and their family members, including those who are vulnerable, to rebuild their lives in the UK.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many (a) 60mm and (b) 81mm mortar smoke rounds have been procured for Ukraine since 5 July 2024.

Since 2022, we have provided over 12,000 mortar rounds to Ukraine across various calibres. The hon. Member will be aware that for operational security reasons I am unable to provide more detailed procurement and delivery schedules.

This Government is steadfast in our commitment to support Ukraine for as long as it takes.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
11th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what assessment his Department has made of the potential merits of awarding a specific Gallipoli campaign medal to British soldiers that served in that campaign between February 1915 and January 1916, in the context of the recognition granted to Australian and New Zealand troops through the Anzac Commemorative Medallion; and whether his Department has had discussions on this with (a) veterans' organisations and (b) other relevant stakeholders.

Campaign, as well as long-service and gallantry medals were all issued to eligible Service personnel during and immediately after the First World War. The Ministry of Defence does not usually review decisions on medallic recognition when more than five years have elapsed since the event. This is because it is viewed that those making the required judgements at the time, were better placed to do so, than now. This principle has been examined by the Cabinet Office Honours and Decorations Committee a number of times and on each occasion has been found to be sound.

Campaign medals, which are awarded in circumstances meeting certain thresholds or risk and rigour, any carry with them strict eligibility criteria, differ considerably from commemorative medallions which purely memorialise an event at a later date and have a wider distribution.

Whilst we recognise and are indebted to the significant bravery and sacrifice of those British troops who served alongside their Anzac counterparts during the Gallipoli Campaign in the First World War, no commemorative medal is currently planned.

Al Carns
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence) (Minister for Veterans)
11th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, if he will make an estimate of the number of former armed forces personnel residing in Bromsgrove constituency.

The House of Commons library has an online data dashboard for constituencies which includes data on veterans taken from the most recent censuses in Great Britain. This is available here:

England and Wales Census 2021 data showed that 3,066 people in Bromsgrove constituency reported that they had previously served in the UK Armed Forces. This represents 3.8% of the population in this constituency aged 16 and over. This compares with 3.5% of the population in the West Midlands region and 3.8% in Great Britain.

Al Carns
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence) (Minister for Veterans)
11th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what assessment his Department has made of the potential impact of the implementation of the Digital Veteran Card system on the data protection of veterans (a) with sensitive service histories and (b) who served in Special Forces.

To ensure the privacy and protection of Veteran's personal information, the implementation of the Digital Veteran Card system will be developed in collaboration with Government Digital Services and Office for Veterans’ Affairs. It will comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Secure by Design Principles and other applicable data protection legislation. As with the current physical cards, the digital cards will not hold or present detailed or sensitive Service information.

The Project is working in close collaboration with the Office of Veterans’ Affairs (OVA) to engage and consult with veterans throughout the development and delivery of the Virtual Veterans Card. This is completed via user research with veterans and charities to understand their needs to ensure the Ministry of Defence provides a high-quality user-centred service.

Al Carns
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence) (Minister for Veterans)
11th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what steps his Department is taking to consult with (a) veteran communities and (b) service organisations to inform the (i) design, (ii) implementation, (iii) data security, (iv) data governance and (v) access requirements for the Digital Veteran Card.

To ensure the privacy and protection of Veteran's personal information, the implementation of the Digital Veteran Card system will be developed in collaboration with Government Digital Services and Office for Veterans’ Affairs. It will comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Secure by Design Principles and other applicable data protection legislation. As with the current physical cards, the digital cards will not hold or present detailed or sensitive Service information.

The Project is working in close collaboration with the Office of Veterans’ Affairs (OVA) to engage and consult with veterans throughout the development and delivery of the Virtual Veterans Card. This is completed via user research with veterans and charities to understand their needs to ensure the Ministry of Defence provides a high-quality user-centred service.

Al Carns
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence) (Minister for Veterans)
11th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what assessment he has made of the potential impact of the Social Security Act 1973 on veterans who served before 6 April 1975 but did not meet the qualifying service threshold.

This Government will always stand up for those who have served our country, and I am leading work across Government and with civil society to look at the best ways to ensure all veterans get access to the support and opportunities they need and deserve. This year, we will set out our plans for veterans in our updated Veterans’ Strategy.

It is a principle of public service pensions policy, and one that has been upheld by successive Governments, that improvements to pension schemes are not made retrospective. The legacy issues of the Armed Forces Pension Scheme 1975 are replicated in other public sector schemes in existence prior to the Social Security Act 1973. Accordingly, a retrospective change implemented for the Armed Forces would certainly result in pressure from other public sector schemes for similar treatment. Although no specific estimate has been made, resolving legacy issues across the board would cost the tax-payer billions of pounds and render future meaningful improvements to pension schemes for current employees unaffordable.

Al Carns
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence) (Minister for Veterans)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many 3M Combat Arms Earplugs V2 his Department purchased between 2003 and 2015.

3M Combat Arms Ear Plugs V2 were purchased by the Ministry of Defence during this period, however records of the quantities purchased are no longer held.

Maria Eagle
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many requests for a review of negative decisions on Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy applications are awaiting resolution; and what proportion of these have been under review for more than six months.

As of 12 February 2025, there are 3,467 outstanding requests for a review of a negative decision on an Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP) principal or Additional Family Member (AFM) application. Of these, 1,604 have been pending for more than six months.

Whilst every effort is made to process applications as quickly as possible, each application is considered on a case-by-case basis taking into account the evidence available. The Ministry of Defence has received over 170,000 separate ARAP applications, some of which are duplicates or erroneous, but all require individual deliberation. Within this, certain cases are particularly complex and can take longer to process in order to reach the appropriate outcome.

We inherited a considerable backlog in applications to process as the new Government and I am aware that people have been waiting longer than I would want for an outcome of an application. Therefore, I have directed officials to ensure that this backlog is cleared at pace whilst ensuring every case is processed correctly.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many applications for additional family members seeking to resettle in the UK to join a principal who has already been resettled via the (a) Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy and (b) ex-Gratia scheme for Afghan interpreters are under consideration; and what proportion of these have been pending for more than six months.

As of 12 February 2025, there are 1,062 outstanding Additional Family Member (AFM) applications from individuals who have already been resettled under the current and previous Afghan resettlement schemes administered by the Ministry of Defence (MOD). Of these, 502 have been pending for more than six months.

Whilst every effort is made to process applications as quickly as possible, each application is considered on a case-by-case basis taking into account the evidence available. The MOD has received over 170,000 separate ARAP applications, some of which are duplicates or erroneous, but all require individual deliberation. Within this, certain cases are particularly complex and can take longer to process in order to reach the appropriate outcome.

We inherited a considerable backlog in applications to process as the new Government and I am aware that people have been waiting longer than I would want for an outcome of an application. Therefore, I have directed officials to ensure that this backlog is cleared at pace whilst ensuring every case is processed correctly.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, if he will establish a statutory timeframe for communicating decisions on applications submitted under the (a) Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy and (b) Afghan Family Members policy.

Every application submitted under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP) scheme is considered on a case-by-case basis taking into account the evidence available. Whilst every effort is made to process applications as quickly as possible, some complex cases can take longer to process so that the appropriate decision is reached in each case. Due to this individual approach, a statutory timeframe would not be suitable.

I am paying close attention to this issue and have asked officials to make every effort to ensure decision-making is accelerated wherever possible, in particular for cases that have been awaiting an answer for some time.

This approach remains unchanged following the announcement of the Afghan Resettlement Programme (ARP), which draws Afghan resettlement into a single delivery pipeline whilst retaining the current eligibility criteria of individual schemes such as ARAP.

We inherited a considerable backlog in applications to process as the new Government and I am aware that people have been waiting longer than I would want for an outcome of an application. Therefore, I have directed officials to ensure that this backlog is cleared at pace whilst ensuring every case is processed correctly.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
11th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to the Answer of 5 February 2025 to Question 27513 on Defence: Bank Services, how many smaller defence suppliers have raised concerns with his Department on difficulties in (a) opening a bank account and (b) otherwise accessing finance since 1 January 2020.

The issues that smaller defence suppliers can face in opening a bank account and accessing finance have been raised with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) on multiple occasions since 1 January 2020, both directly and via trade associations and higher tier partners. It is not possible to quantify the number of companies who have relayed these concerns.

This Government recognised these issues in the Defence Industrial Strategy’s Statement of Intent and the MOD continues to consult widely with defence and financial services stakeholders on tackling these barriers, so that we have a better, more integrated, more innovative and more resilient defence sector.

Maria Eagle
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
11th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, for what purposes the Submarine Delivery Agency has used artificial intelligence in the last 12 months.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the heart of the Government’s plan to kickstart an era of economic growth, transform how we deliver public services and boost living standards for working people across the country.

The Submarine Delivery Agency sees the importance and value of using AI, and is actively exploring ways in which it can be used to deliver our outputs in a safe and ethical way. The SDA has appointed a Responsible AI Senior Owner (RAISO) in accordance with Departmental policy and taken part in the Ministry of Defence-wide trial of Microsoft Copilot. The SDA is in the commissioning and discovery phases of several AI projects across a number of office-related processes in line with the Defence AI Strategy, co-ordinated with the Defence AI Centre and in accordance with the Departmental policies.

Maria Eagle
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, whether he has had discussions with his counterpart in the US on levels of defence spending by the UK.

My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State met with Secretary Hegseth on 12 February. He explained that the UK has consistently met the 2% of GDP NATO Defence spending target and that we are also advocating for other NATO Allies to meet and surpass the target. The UK has already increased funding for defence this year by £3 billion and will set out the pathway to 2.5% this Spring.

Maria Eagle
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to the Answer of 28 January 2025to Question 25863 on Military Aircraft: Helicopters, what is the name of the company now providing the helicopter transport through the Cabinet Office framework.

The Cabinet Office has a cross-Government contract in place with Corporate Travel Management (North) Limited (CTM). CTM provides a travel booking service for Cabinet Office staff, Ministers and Ministry of Defence senior officials when travel is permitted for business and operational reasons. Information on this contract can be found at the following Contracts Finder link:

Maria Eagle
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to the Answer of 28 January 2025 to Question 25862 on Military Aircraft: Helicopters, whether his assessment of the cost has included the additional costs of (a) Royal Household helicopter provision and (b) non-Defence Ministerial travel; and what the estimated total annual cost is .

Provision of Royal Household and non-Defence Ministerial helicopter travel is not a Ministry of Defence responsibility. Therefore, the cost assessment for Ministry of Defence senior leader and official future helicopter transport did not include Royal Household or non-Defence Ministerial travel requirements. Before deletion of Rotary Wing Command Support Air Transport in December 2024, Royal Household and wider Government usage had been on an ‘as available’ basis, when the aircraft was not in use for Ministry of Defence activity.

Maria Eagle
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to the Answer of 18 November 2024, to Question 1248 on Military Aircraft: Helicopter, where the Ministerial Transport Office is based; how many staff work in it; and what its budget is .

The helicopter arrangements are managed by the Cabinet Office Commercial team and form part of the Central Departmental Travel contracts which are in place with Corporate Travel Management (North) Limited (CTM). There is one dedicated Full Time official with other resources being used as and when required. CTM provides a travel booking service for Cabinet Office staff, Ministers and Ministry of Defence senior officials when travel is permitted for business and operational reasons. Costs are paid from the end user budget.

Maria Eagle
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many (a) 60mm and (b) 81mm high explosive mortar rounds have been procured for Ukraine since 5 July 2024.

Since 2022, we have provided over 12,000 mortar rounds to Ukraine across various calibres. The hon. Member will be aware that for operational security reasons I am unable to provide more detailed procurement and delivery schedules.

This Government is steadfast in our commitment to support Ukraine for as long as it takes. This year the UK will give more military support to Ukraine than ever before, with a £4.5 billion boost.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, if he will make an assessment of the potential merits of issuing Afghans resettled under the (a) Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy and (b) Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme who were directly employed by the UK Government with Proof of Employment certificates.

On 1 March 2025, the Afghan Relocation and Assistance Policy (ARAP) scheme and the Afghan Citizen Resettlement Scheme (ACRS) will become part of the Afghan Resettlement Programme (ARP). The ARP is a cross-Government delivery programme which will bring existing resettlement routes into one, single pipeline. It is designed to make the delivery of Afghan resettlement simpler and more cost-effective, to help deliver better outcomes overall.

Unfortunately, it is not feasible to breakdown those relocating to the UK by job role, including those who worked directly for His Majesty’s Government, in order to issue Proof of Employment certificates. However, the Government will continue to support those Afghans who have resettled in the UK through the ARP. This includes through supporting Afghan arrivals into self-sufficiency as quickly as possible to restart their lives in the UK.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how much his Department spent on Capita provided medical vetting for forces personnel in each of the last 10 years.

The requested information is provided in the following table, by Financial Year (FY):


£ million





















Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, whether the Leave Outside the Rules process for Afghan family members will remain in place.

The Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP) operates under the Immigration Rules set out under Appendix ARAP. Amendments were made to Appendix ARAP in November 2022, resulting in additional family members who are eligible and suitable for entry clearance to be granted under the Immigration Rules instead of outside the Rules.

During Operation PITTING a number of Afghan nationals were ‘called forward’ for evacuation, in addition to those who were called forward as eligible persons under the ARAP Immigration Rules but were unintentionally separated from their family members during the evacuation efforts.

The Government launched ACRS Pathway 1, Stage 2: Separated Families Route on 30 July 2024 specifically to reunite families unintentionally separated during Operation PITTING. It is now closed to referrals, and we have already begun to see arrivals and families be reunited using this route.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what the average length of time taken was between the point of application to join the (a) Army, (b) Royal Navy and (c) RAF and attestation in the latest period for which data is available.

The new Government inherited a crisis in recruitment. We have made it a priority to address this with a series of work streams designed to increase recruitment and renew the contract between the nation and those who serve to improve retention.

Many factors affect the time taken to proceed through the recruiting pipeline. Many candidates proceed much faster than the average when they are well prepared and ready to move quickly. Others take longer, for reasons including:

  • Delays in the receipt of primary healthcare records.
  • Medical deferment for those requiring time to get medically fit.
  • The need to align the start of basic of training with trade training.
  • A candidate’s current domestic, employment and housing situation.
  • A candidate’s choice regarding pace and level of engagement.

Numerical information is provided in the table below, noting that direct comparisons between each Service should be avoided due to the different processes in use; for example, recruits to the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force must achieve a Security Check level of security clearance before joining. In the time available to answer a Parliamentary Question, it has not been possible to provide information for each requested year.

Average Time of Flight (days) taken between Application and Basic Training Starts for Regular Other Ranks UK Nationals between 1 October 2018 and 30 September 2024

12 months ending 30 September:

Average Time of Flight (days)







Royal Navy (RN) / Royal Marines (RM)














Royal Air Force (RAF)







Source: Analysis (Tri-Service)

Table Notes:

  1. Time of Flight is defined as the time passed in days between the date of application and the date of intake to the untrained strength. The symbol “..” denotes that information is not available.
  2. Average Time of Flight is expressed as the median number of days, meaning that Time of Flight for half of all candidates is shorter than the figures provided, and half is longer. For example, half of RN/RM candidates took up to 279 days in the 12 months ending 30 September 2024, with half taking longer.
  3. Application data is taken from the Defence Recruitment System and Recruitment IT System (RN and RAF) and matched to intake data from the Joint Personnel Administration (JPA) system and should reflect time of entry to training.
  4. Figures may differ from information reported elsewhere by single Service recruiting teams, which are intended to support operational decision-makers monitoring operational and pipeline performance and are therefore calculated using differing methodologies.
  5. Applications from non-UK candidates are excluded, with Nationality as declared on JPA. Army figures include applications from Irish personnel but exclude applications from other countries and those applicants without a known nationality.
  6. For a small number of Navy personnel, application date is recorded as after their intake date, likely due to outflowing and re-joining the Service. These personnel have been excluded from calculations.
  7. When an individual has multiple applications to the RAF or RN/RM, the applications closest before their intake was used as the application submission date.
  8. Where an application date is not held in the data or an application cannot be matched to intake, such as where there is no corresponding service number or National Insurance number, the case is excluded.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what was the average length of time taken between the point of application to join (a) the army, (b) the Royal Navy, (c) the RAF and attestation in each year since 1997.

The new Government inherited a crisis in recruitment. We have made it a priority to address this with a series of work streams designed to increase recruitment and renew the contract between the nation and those who serve to improve retention.

Many factors affect the time taken to proceed through the recruiting pipeline. Many candidates proceed much faster than the average when they are well prepared and ready to move quickly. Others take longer, for reasons including:

  • Delays in the receipt of primary healthcare records.
  • Medical deferment for those requiring time to get medically fit.
  • The need to align the start of basic of training with trade training.
  • A candidate’s current domestic, employment and housing situation.
  • A candidate’s choice regarding pace and level of engagement.

Numerical information is provided in the table below, noting that direct comparisons between each Service should be avoided due to the different processes in use; for example, recruits to the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force must achieve a Security Check level of security clearance before joining. In the time available to answer a Parliamentary Question, it has not been possible to provide information for each requested year.

Average Time of Flight (days) taken between Application and Basic Training Starts for Regular Other Ranks UK Nationals between 1 October 2018 and 30 September 2024

12 months ending 30 September:

Average Time of Flight (days)







Royal Navy (RN) / Royal Marines (RM)














Royal Air Force (RAF)







Source: Analysis (Tri-Service)

Table Notes:

  1. Time of Flight is defined as the time passed in days between the date of application and the date of intake to the untrained strength. The symbol “..” denotes that information is not available.
  2. Average Time of Flight is expressed as the median number of days, meaning that Time of Flight for half of all candidates is shorter than the figures provided, and half is longer. For example, half of RN/RM candidates took up to 279 days in the 12 months ending 30 September 2024, with half taking longer.
  3. Application data is taken from the Defence Recruitment System and Recruitment IT System (RN and RAF) and matched to intake data from the Joint Personnel Administration (JPA) system and should reflect time of entry to training.
  4. Figures may differ from information reported elsewhere by single Service recruiting teams, which are intended to support operational decision-makers monitoring operational and pipeline performance and are therefore calculated using differing methodologies.
  5. Applications from non-UK candidates are excluded, with Nationality as declared on JPA. Army figures include applications from Irish personnel but exclude applications from other countries and those applicants without a known nationality.
  6. For a small number of Navy personnel, application date is recorded as after their intake date, likely due to outflowing and re-joining the Service. These personnel have been excluded from calculations.
  7. When an individual has multiple applications to the RAF or RN/RM, the applications closest before their intake was used as the application submission date.
  8. Where an application date is not held in the data or an application cannot be matched to intake, such as where there is no corresponding service number or National Insurance number, the case is excluded.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what assessment his Department has made of the potential impact of numbers of medical appointments on the medical readiness of serving personnel; and what steps he is taking to ensure timely access to primary healthcare for (a) service personnel and (b) their families.

The Defence Medical Services (DMS) provide primary healthcare for Armed Forces personnel and entitled families. Patients registered with DMS have good access to primary care. Urgent primary care appointments are available within one working day in 99% of medical centres and routine appointments within 14 days in all medical centres (92% within five days).

DMS has introduced improved triage meaning patients are directed to the right care first time, regardless of where they are located. Combining and networking medical centres has also created more efficient and effective primary care.

Secondary care for Armed Forces personnel and families is provided by the NHS in England and the Devolved Administrations. The Ministry of Defence/UK Departments of Health Partnership Board facilitates joint working across the UK to address issues relating to the health and healthcare of Armed Forces personnel and their families.

Al Carns
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence) (Minister for Veterans)
10th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, for what purposes the UK Hydrographic Office has used artificial intelligence in the last 12 months.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the heart of the Government’s plan to kickstart an era of economic growth, transform how we deliver public services, and boost living standards for working people across the country.

Over the last 12 months, the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) has been assessing and experimenting with a number of AI and machine learning tools for general productivity tasks as well as more targeted hydrographic use cases. These are listed below.

Trial and evaluation tools

These tools are currently being used and assessed but have not reached production status.

  • The beta Admiralty Virtual Ports product uses Kaedim, a Generative AI tool to create 3-D models from 2-D images of features (e.g., photographs of buildings). This enables the building of a 3-D Digital Twin that can provide richer maritime information. Kaedim is a SaaS solution.
  • The Scientific Analysis Group have been using UKHO developed machine learning models for automated cleaning of bathymetric data. These are mostly used for Defence requests. All outputs are post validated by experts and feedback is being collected where possible.
  • Our Remote Sensing team have been using an internally developed machine learning model for automated extraction of coastline from satellite imagery. This tool has been used for a variety of use cases. Outputs are post validated by experts and feedback is collected where possible.
  • Software developers and Data teams have been using AI coding assistants as part of a central government trial. Quality and testing standards have remained the same to make sure the quality of code matches expectations.
  • The UKHO internal communications and marketing teams have been using the Government Communication Service Assist tool for creating and editing internal communications in line with Cabinet Office guidelines.
  • The marketing team have been trialling an AI-based media monitoring/social listening service named to track media mentions and share of voice across digital social media channels.
  • Working with third-party, the UKHO has used AI tools to generate videos supporting ongoing culture work. Outputs are assessed by our People team.
  • UKHO Data Acquisition, which offers training services to other hydrographic offices, has been trialling an AI tool to detect whether students have used AI to generate material.

Initial experiments

These are early-stage experiments that may later turn into larger projects dependent on results.

  • Our data science team has been experimenting with large language models for the purposes of extracting pertinent information from incoming textual data. For example, the UKHO ingests numerous Notices to Mariners from around the world, which need to be assessed as part of keeping maritime products up to date.
  • Data scientists and engineers have been working to make the UKHO Mine Hunting Capability machine learning ready. As part of this, there has been initial experiments with machine learning to inform the data and metadata required to support future testing of commercial offerings or tools developed by other government departments.
  • Experiments have run into using large language models for summarising internal information using Retrieval Augmented Generation architecture. Future work around this use case is likely to involve commercial products, e.g., Microsoft Copilot for business.
  • The Strategic Business Intelligence function have been experimenting with Microsoft Copilot and Google Gemini to augment horizon scanning and news gathering. The experiments are proving successful although there are some concerns with the veracity of information provided and traditional research is still being used to validate.
  • General usage of AI tools such as those bundled with Microsoft Teams Premium for meeting summarisation and minute taking.

Currently, none of these tools have associated ATRS records. The UKHO is working with GDS on our algorithmic transparency approach, as there are a range of established tools and algorithms that are being used that could fall under scope as well as these new tools. An initial mapping has been completed.

The UKHO uses several government resources to aid with AI guidance and ensure that AI tools are adopted in a safe way. This includes the Generative AI Framework for HMG, which has been superseded by the AI Playbook for the UK Government, as well as JSP936 covering dependable AI in defence. Additionally, conversations have been taking place with MOD around the results of their trial of Microsoft Copilot for Business, as adoption of this toolset could cover common office productivity use cases that are currently being serviced by several different tools.

Maria Eagle
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
6th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what discussions he has had with (a) the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and (b) devolved administrations on the potential impact of waiting lists for medical care required in order to pass recruitment standards on the number of candidates dropping out of armed service recruitment processes; and if he will make an assessment of the potential impact of NHS waiting lists on household income disparities for people awaiting recruitment into the armed services.

In the United Kingdom the provision of healthcare to the general population is devolved; however, the Ministry of Defence (MOD)/UK Departments of Health Partnership Board facilitates joint working across the UK to support recruitment to the Armed Forces and the retention of personnel in Service. Ministers from the MOD and the Department of Health and Social Care have regular discussions on wide range of issues, including those facing the Armed Forces in recruitment.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
5th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, whether the proposed treaty with Mauritius on the sovereignty of the British Indian Ocean Territory would require (a) amendment and (b) supplementation to the exchange of notes between the UK and US in 1966.

The 1966 Exchange of Notes between the UK and US regarding the joint UK-US base on Diego Garcia has been subject to routine amendments and supplementation since signature. Any amendments resulting from the proposed agreement with Mauritius will be factored into this existing process.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
6th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, whether he intends to procure Gravehawk for the armed forces.

Gravehawk is a capability developed for Ukraine and we will consider future use (and platform numbers) for Ukraine based on performance. This air defence capability system was rapidly developed to meet Ukrainian needs on the battlefield and uses Ukrainian missiles already in the possession of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
3rd Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what assistance the Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Associations provide for recruiting reservists and cadet instructors.

The Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Associations (RFCAs) offer support to recruitment in multiple ways.

The RFCAs provide media and communications support, including through the provision of small grants from regionally generated income for both Reserve and Cadet units to produce recruiting materials. The RFCA communications teams also support Cadet units with social media aimed at increasing awareness of the cadets and to encourage young people and adults to join. The results have been significant; recent social media campaigns have seen a 200% increase in expressions of interest.

The RFCAs also showcase the Reserves and Cadets with bespoke short films at Lord-Lieutenants’ Awards ceremonies, reinforced with other media around those events. Annual online Cadet Adult Recognition Awards are hugely popular – highlights are then used to advertise adult volunteering on our social media platforms. RFCAs also support County shows and other engagement opportunities that support and enable recruitment.

The RFCA’s Permanent Support Staff manage the in-flow of Cadet Force Adult Volunteers to cadet units, including some recruitment process administration, and it’s Volunteer Estate output actively supports recruitment by providing modern, well-maintained Cadet training centre or Army Reserve Centres that are attractive to potential new recruits.

Lord Coaker
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
5th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government how many extra posts have been recruited to process service complaints under Volunteer ex-Regular Reserve contracts or other reservist terms and condition of service by (1) the Army, (2) the Royal Navy, (3) the Royal Air Force, and (4) Strategic Command, in each of the last five years.

The following information details how many extra reservist posts have been recruited by the single Services in each year in order to process Service Complaints. The data has been provided by the three Services, who manage the Service Complaints process. Service Complaints are managed by the single Services, not by Commands, and thus Strategic Command is not included.

Royal Navy

  • 2020: no extra reservist posts recruited.
  • 2021: three Volunteer ex-Regular Reserve (VeRR) posts were recruited.
  • 2022: no extra reservist posts recruited.
  • 2023: seven extra VeRR posts were recruited.
  • 2024: no extra reservist posts were recruited.


  • 2020: no extra reservist posts recruited.
  • 2021: eight ‘lifed’ Full Time Reserve Service (FTRS) posts made enduring.
  • 2022: two additional FTRS posts were recruited.
  • 2023: 14 additional VeRR posts were recruited.
  • 2024: no extra reservist posts recruited.

Royal Air Force

  • 2020: no information held.
  • 2021: no information held.
  • 2022: no information held.
  • 2023: no extra reservist posts recruited.
  • 2024: ten additional VeRR posts recruited.
Lord Coaker
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
6th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made, through independent reviews, of the effectiveness of the Reserve Forces and Cadets Associations in building links with (1) the business community and (2) the wider civic community.

The most recent Review of the Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Associations (RFCAs) was conducted in 2019 and published on 24 March 2020, being placed in the Library of the House. This robust and impartial Review acknowledged that a key strength of the RFCAs is their extensive volunteer membership. This membership brings with it a breadth of expertise and linkages, likely drawn from across both the local business and civic communities, that enable the RFCAs to perform their functions.

Lord Coaker
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
5th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government what financial commitment there is to the Reserve Forces and Cadet Associations to ensure their positive roles are enhanced.

The Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Associations (RFCAs) provide a vital role in supporting Defence activity. Their future funding is assured as part of the Ministry of Defence’s Annual Budget Cycle processes. Financial information for the RFCAs can be found in the published Consolidated Financial Statements in their Annual Reports and Accounts, the latest three of which were placed in the Library of the House on 22 October 2024. These documents extend to Financial Year (FY) 2022-23 and can be found as Deposited Papers at the following website:

Lord Coaker
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
5th Feb 2025
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many and what proportion of armed forces personnel are serving in military bands; and what funding his Department has made available to military bands.

The Government is proud of those who serve in our military bands. They not only support all year-round engagements but also serve secondary roles supporting defence. Armed Forces personnel who serve in military bands have a secondary specialisation in support of operations; for example those in the Army support deployed medicine; Naval personnel can form part of a medical team on board a casualty-receiving facility, and Royal Air Force Musicians are also trained in the Counter-CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear) role of establishing and running a Casualty Decontamination Area, a declared NATO capability.

The number and proportion of Royal Navy/Royal Marines (RN/RM) and Royal Air Force (RAF) Full-Time Trained Strength (FTTS) and Army Full-Time Trade Trained Strength (FTTTS) Personnel serving in Military Bands as at 1 April 2024 was:




Other Ranks

Strength of Military Bands




Proportion of FTTS/FTTTS








Proportion of RN/RM FTTS








Proportion of Army FTTTS








Proportion of RAF FTTS




Source: Analysis (Tri-Service)

In the most recent Financial Year (FY, 2023-24), expenditure on all band activity was as follows:


Expenditure in FY 2023-24 (£Million)





Royal Air Force


Luke Pollard
Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)
5th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government how many hours per day staff in (1) the Army, (2) the Royal Navy, (3) the Royal Air Force, and (4) Strategic Command, spend dealing with a service complaint on average; and what estimate they have made of the cost of such staff time in each of the last five years.

This information is not routinely recorded and could only be provided at disproportionate cost.

Lord Coaker
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)
5th Feb 2025
To ask His Majesty's Government how many more service complaints they expect to receive following the enactment of the Armed Forces Commissioner Bill and its provision for families to submit such complaints; and what estimate they have made of the budget uplift required to deal with any such increase.

While the Armed Forces Commissioner will absorb the functions of the existing Service Complaints Ombudsman for the Armed Forces, the Bill does not make any substantive changes to the Service Complaints System. Families will not be able to access the Service Complaints system, which is specifically designed for serving personnel. The Bill focuses instead on the additional powers and functions the Commissioner will have to launch and report on investigations into general service welfare matters.

The Commissioner will be a direct point of contact for service families, providing a route for families to raise concerns on matters which could form the topic of a service welfare investigation. The financial implications of establishing and maintaining the office of the Armed Forces Commissioner, with their additional functions, are estimated to be within the range of £4.5 - £5.5m per year. This is only an initial estimate and represents a significant uplift on the annual running costs of the Service Complaints Ombudsman. The 2023 expenditure for the Service Complaints Ombudsman was in the region of £1.8m.

Lord Coaker
Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)